Sunday, May 14, 2017

Pet peeves


It's been awhile, yes, I know, it's because my laptop is throwing tantrums at and behaving so I can't really having my happy time surfing the internet with it.

Talking about pet peeves.... Actually I am not the kind of person will talk very bluntly, if I don't like something I'd rather stay quiet. It really is annoying sometime but I tried to hold it in until... now. Now I want to tell you my pet peeves because it's getting harder each day since people don't know that I actually find it annoying and still doing it because I don't tell them. I need to talk about it somewhere so I'd rather write it down here instead of talking about it to them and having the relationship broke.

I don't know where to start.....

I find it annoying when a girl can't stand on their own, specially to the girls who think that their boyfriends are their worlds and their boyfriends have to be there for them. I mean, come on, you can do it. Why do you have to call your boyfriend and whinny when you're sick to your boyfriend, it is very annoying. Also when the girlfriend wants to meet the boyfriend on every holiday (everytime when it's not workdays). Like, WHY? Why you have to meet him everyday? Every single holiday? You just met him yesterday and why today you come to see him again? Don't you have life? Don't you have somwthing better to do on your own?

I also find it annoying when someone borrow my phone and playing it like their own, cheking my instagram feed, my gallery, and playing games in it without me saying "Sure, go ahead." Well, I wouldn't reject it if you say so, if I do, that means if it's not my phone is dying then it's my internet plan is almost over.

Have you ever fo a friend's post something like, "I'm faking my smile today."? Yes, that's one of my pet peeves too. I mean, why would you telling the world that you were just faking your smile? You put your fake smile so you hide your actual condition right, you wanted to look happy in front of them, correct? Then why are you telling people that you're just faking it. That is so pointless. Are you trying to get attention so bad? Ugh, very annoying,

I know that it's me getting older and I need to find a job but I find it very annoying when people asking me about my graduation. It's coming okay. It's coming, I will graduate, but it's not as easy as you think people. Well, if you do found it very easy to graduate then try it to be in my shoes when you lack of creative ideas for research. It's not that easy. When this talk's done there is something that follow, "Graduate and then get married." This is pretty annoying, very annoying. Why are you urging me to get married anyway? Because girls are supposed to follow their husbands around? Nope, I don't want to be completely like that. Like I said on my first pet peeves, I find it annoying when girls can't stand up on their own. I want to stand up on my own too. So don't ask me to settle down yet, I need to do something more important to that,

Did you ever find in your instagram feed where somebody posted a beautiful photo they took but it tagged to a location that is not the actual location of the photo taken. Like why you have to lie to other people of you whereabout? If you don't wantthem to know, just don't put the location tagging. It's as simple as that.

Well, those are some of my pet peeves. I think I have more but I can't really think of anything else.

So, what's your pet peeves?